As with tradition, our Annual Qur’an Recitation Competition has been programmed to hold during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This year’s edition was however brought to an abrupt end due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have however made plans for this year’s edition not to completely be scrapped, by completing the competition amongst our students (intra-school instead of inter-school) virtually via zoom video conferencing platform.

Before the students departed for the emergency lockdown break, the preliminary stages for all categories had been decided. We now have 4 participants each to compete in 4 categories. The plan is for each category to be concluded virtually via the Zoom platform. Each category would be taken per day and would not last more than an hour, InshaAllah. The event would span from Monday 11th through Thursday 14th May 2020, InshaAllah.

More information about the event is attached herewith. We deeply urge parents to please show support by joining the classes and ensuring their wards participate too.

Medmina College, Ibadan 3rd Annual Quran Recitation Competition

P.S: Parents whose wards have qualified would be individually contacted soon.

Finally, we continue to pray to Allah to bestow us with the knowledge and wherewithal to set our wards on the path to becoming exemplary Muslims, Aameen.

Let’s endeavour to stay safe in order to continue to learn and live Islam.

Thank you and Ma’Salaam


Medmina College is set to provide the best secondary education possible for the Muslim child without compromising the child’s spiritual needs.