Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

According to Francis Bacon, travelling is a part of education. An excursion is not just a pleasure trip; it enhances the knowledge of the students beyond the four walls of the classroom. To provide such an enriching experience to students, Medmina college organize excursion to famous places in Ibadan for the school fresher every year.

In this trail, a memorable trip was organized to places like Mapo hall, National Museum of Unity, Bower’s tower, Cocoa house, Ibadan Airport, Ibadan train station, University of Ibadan and Adamsingba stadium Ibadan. Students got a golden opportunity to know more about Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State.

May Allah continue to show his blessings on our students, parents and the school community at large.

Thank you.



Medmina College is set to provide the best secondary education possible for the Muslim child without compromising the child’s spiritual needs.