Overview Of Medmina College ICT Scheme

As-salaam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a rapidly evolving global subject in which constant advances in computer technology demand ever-changing skills and knowledge from users. The policy of Medmina College, Ibadan, is to provide every student with the opportunity to develop their skill, knowledge and understanding in ICT as part of a balanced curriculum. We want to ensure that our students benefit from learning opportunities offered by the schools’ ICT resources in a safe and effective manner.

ICT literacy is a key skill in developing student learning and has become as important as literacy in language and application of number. Therefore the ability of students to effectively use ICT to deepen and develop their learning is of utmost importance. ICT can encourage students to become more independent in their own learning by developing their skills in finding and using appropriate information. This in turn can help develop skills that will contribute to the life-long learning of students.

The School seeks to achieve these aims through developing:

  • Student knowledge and understanding of ICT technology used to promote their ICT skills so that they are at a level appropriate to their age and ability.
  • Links across the curriculum subjects so that students can not only further their knowledge of ICT skills but also deepen their knowledge of other areas of study.
  • Student understanding of the benefits of using ICT both in the school environment and the wider world.

Fakorede, Bashir
– ICT Officer

Medmina College is set to provide the best secondary education possible for the Muslim child without compromising the child’s spiritual needs.