Welcome Message From the Founder

In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

As an environmental educator and Trip/Event Officer, I understand clearly, the benefits of informal educational opportunities. Experiences that occur outside of a school environmental are highly crucial, therefore confirming the importance of nearly all of the programming and activities that Medmina College puts on.

We believe that fun, play, and engagement are some of the strongest pillars that hold up our trips and events programs here at MCI. The idea that students can learn AND have fun at the same time is one of my biggest goals as an educator.
We therefore strive to plan and coordinate events and field trips that have an educational, recreational, service, community, athletic, or creative purpose, which all contribute to achieving our goal of nurturing all-round developed students.

Olajide Ruqayyat
– Trips and Events Officer

Medmina College is set to provide the best secondary education possible for the Muslim child without compromising the child’s spiritual needs.